Reverend Dr. Phil Psychic Medium
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Hello, I AM Reverend Dr. Phil, a Psychic Medium and Mystic. Through my Guides, I use my psychic gifts to connect to spirit to bring through your loved ones and guides for the messages you need. I have made an effort to integrate the expressed intelligence of many who carry the torch of truth. I embrace the expression of gratitude for the Light I have been granted, and to share my gifts for the service of others. Embracing Hope, it is the one Truth that acknowledges the validity of all predictions is in the hands of those who are willing to make change, and use their Free Will accordingly. 
I have been attuned to crystals and Metaphysics since early childhood, and have had a near-death experience. This experience has brought me to the arms of Spirit in the Angelic Realm, and has guided my path. I see the world through different eyes.
I have a strong tie to the mineral kingdom with my love and passion of crystals and rocks. I also have a strong connection and knowledge of Native American and indigenous peoples.
I AM an ordained minister, healer, teacher, and spiritual counselor through the International Association of Metaphysics. I am an ordained minister through the Lively Stones World Healing Fellowship, and also received my Doctor of Ministry degree from Lively Stones Fellowship. 
I AM a certified Medium and Healer with the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, in Cassadaga, FL.

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